Grant Amddifadedd | Deprivation Grant


Datganiad Grant Amddifadedd

Dyrennir y Grant Amddifadedd Disgyblion i ysgolion â disgyblion sy’n dod o deuluoedd incwm isel ac y gwyddys eu bod ar hyn o bryd yn gymwys i dderbyn prydau ysgol am ddim (e-FSM) a disgyblion sydd wedi derbyn gofal yn barhaus am fwy na chwe mis (LAC). Disgwylir i ysgolion ddefnyddio’r cyllid hwn i’r eithaf i gyflwyno strategaethau cynaliadwy fydd yn arwain yn gyflym at newidiadau i ddysgwyr sy’n gymwys i dderbyn prydau ysgol am ddim neu sy’n LAC.

Mae’r ysgol yn defnyddio Grant i gyflogi staff sydd yn gweithredu rhaglenni ymyrraeth Llythrennedd a Rhifedd penodol a fydd yn codi safonau cyrhaeddiad y disgyblion. Ein nod yw sicrhau fod pob unigolyn yn cael budd llawn o gwricwlwm a phrofiadau cymdeithasol yr ysgol. Mae’r ysgol yn cyfrannu tuag at gost ymweliadau i ddisgyblion sydd yn cael prydiau ysgol am ddim.

Pupil Depravation Grant Statement

The Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) is allocated to schools with pupils who come from low-income families and are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (e-FSM) and pupils who have been looked after continuously for more than six months (LAC). Schools are expected to make the best use of this funding to implement sustainable strategies that will quickly bring about changes for learners eligible for free school meals or who are LAC.

The school uses the Pupil Deprivation Grant to employ staff that can provide intervention and support programmes that will raise the standards of attainment of the pupils in Literacy and Numeracy. Our aim is to ensure that individuals take full advantage of the educational and social experiences available at the school. The school contribute towards the cost of educational visits for pupils who are in receipt of free school meals.